Friday, May 24, 2013

Five things to know by 20!

Hello cheekies, 

Since I am turning 20 in September, I thought I would tell you all what I learned and still need to learn. Everyone should know this by the time they are twenty and starting to live in the real world. 

1) embrace your dreams and passions!
We all have dreams, some big and some small, but we have to go after our dreams while we are still young! One of my dreams is a large one and it's to travel and live in LA by this time next year! I am gonna go for it because I know if I don't I will regret it one day. So going after your dreams whether it ends up successful or not will be important in your future, your dreams mold you into well you. So dreams and passions are important to know and very important to go after them!!!!! I can't stress enough GO FOR YOUR DREAMS dammit!! Do it!!!!! Don't stop chasing them and when you achieve your dream keep going!! A life of oh wells is a lot better than a life of what ifs! 

2) Never worry about your future! 
You are young, free and living for the moment, and If you aren't doing that then you better start! You are only young once and you deserve to be free! You will have time to worry about other shit when you are older! If you are one of those people who must have your future planned out five years in advanced and it's laid out in an outline, it's time to calm the hell down! One thing I learned in life is that life doesn't happen how you plan! It's going to take you down roads that will test you in every way! Now I used to have to have everything planned but recently I've learned that it just causes to much stress, now I'm living with the motto of "go with the flow". I'm takin each day as it comes, whether good, bad, sad or happy. So far I've been stress free, it's also very liberating! 

3) change for no one but for yourself! 
Please don't change yourself for anyone, whether is losing weight to fit in or get the guy. Don't change your clothes to be like that girl from school or work, don't change for anyone! They aren't always going to be there and they probably wouldn't even appreciate it! If you want to change the way you look and you want to do it for yourself, to either boost your self esteem and/or confidence then do it! But don't I repeat do not do it for anyone! Be yourself, love your self and if you don't love the way you look then learn to love every detail of yourself and if there are some things you just can't stand then change them so you can love yourself because during the processes whatever it is you will end up loving yourself! It's gonna be hard I know, trust me, I hated the way I looked, I thought I was fat so I lost weight, not for anyone but me, and yeah I'm still not to thrilled with my stomach but I still learned to love it! BE YOU, LOVE YOU! 

4) learn to do things on your own! 
Now we all love doing things with friends but sometimes you have to do things by yourself whether it's because a friend can't go or you just want some "me time", either way you must learn to do things yourself. It teaches independence and it gives you time to reflect on your self and your life and what you want. So if you are dying to do go to this restaurant or you want that shirt that you've been eyeing for months finally went on sale and no one can go, then go! More people do it than you think! You won't be that weirdo that does things alone I promise! 

5) do not be defined by anyone! 
What I mean is, don't let some mold you Into someone they want you to be! Don't let friends, or boyfriends or girl friends and especially your family, define you! They don't know you like you do! You know your dreams, you know your likes and dislikes, you know what's best for you! I've been told what I have to do in life and what I "have" to become to be successful and happy by my parents all my life. So I went through a hard time trying to figure out who I am. I am a girl who hates scratching the surface of living, a girl who dreams so big that ive been told to come back to reality, a girl who knows what I want and need in my life. I am me, and no one can take that from me or try to. It's your life, you were given it because you were meant to do great things with it and if you let someone define you, you will never fulfill your purpose! 

So cheekies! I hope you learn to do these things by the time your 20, and if your already twenty or  past that please learn to do it too!  


Stay cheeky our loves! 

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